Divorce Procedure

Divorce Law

When it comes to the divorce law in South Africa you need to be aware of the procedures and elements which pertain to the divorce law in order to know exactly where you stand. In South Africa couples who are currently married and who want to end their marriages can do so through divorce. This will end the marriage from a legal point of view and the parties are then able to legally marry again if they wish to do so.

When it comes to divorce law in South Africa a number of elements are taken into consideration.

The divorce process as a whole depends on a variety of factors but mainly on if the marriage is a civil marriage or a customary marriage. When it comes to a civil marriage the divorce law says that the marriage needs to get dissolved in accordance with both the rules as well as the procedures which are set out specifically by the Divorce Act.

When it comes to the divorce law, marriages which have taken place in terms of the African Customary Law work a bit differently. These marriages are actually dissolved in accordance to the civil law although it is important to note that some of the elements within this divorce are determined according to both custom and tradition.

When it comes to divorce law and Muslim or Hindu marriages, they are actually dissolved in terms of the rituals as well as the rites of the religion. In South Africa when it comes to divorce law and the custody of your children, it needs to be decided who will look after the children prior to the court issuing an official divorce. In this incident the parents can reach a decision together or alternatively you can leave it up to the court to decide.

You also need to be aware of the factor that in terms of divorce law in South Africa, the family advocate of a the court, is also able to investigate which parent is best suited to look after the children. When it comes to divorce law and the interests of the children, you need to be aware of the factor that the court is able to restrict access if it is felt necessary.

The divorce law works in a certain way in this country. The process is fairly simple depending upon the individual circumstances of the divorce. If you would like the court to issue a divorce for you then it is imperative that you prepare a summons. The following aspects need to be included in the summons:
  • Which particular parent shall have custody of the kids?
  • The exact way how the properly will get shared.
  • Who is going to receive maintenance and how much it will be.
  • How the parent who doesn't have the child is going to be allowed to access the child.
Remember that if you are able to reach a settlement agreement prior to the summons being issued then the entire process will be much easier as well as faster.

Also See: Divorce Help and Divorce Papers

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